Thursday, February 24, 2011

So where am I at on business?

We need business. We need business that provides jobs. Especially in the economic climate that is being created. We need jobs so that the people whom the taxpayers don't want to support can have jobs to earn a living. That component has largely been missing. Businesses need to be willing to make jobs so people can earn money if they don't want the government to do it. Fairly simple concept.

One of the reasons I'm running is because I've been fighting for income earning opportunities as part of the CDA development on Allied Drive. I've fought for zoning in the development that would permit small business opportunities within the neighborhood for residents so they can have a small neighborhood grocery, a barber shop, and things along those lines. All sized to serve the needs of the neighborhood. These folks don't need a lot of money, just enough. And enough for them is a lot less then average.

Immediately adjacent to the CDA development is four acres of fallow land looking for a purpose. On March 2nd, a number of people are going to Growing Power in Milwaukee ( to visit with Will Allen about the potential of an Urban Ag Center on that land to provide jobs for the neighborhood, fresh food for the community and area restaurants, education and community space, and volunteer opportunities so folks in the area can be productive, even if not paid.  

This links to a plan that Growing Power is considering for its 2.5 acres in Milwaukee. I'd love to be able to do something similar here...

Some of the people planning on meeting with Will include:

Natalie Erdman, Madison CDA Director
Brian Solomon, Madison Alder
Steve Arnold, Fitchburg Alder
Michael Johnson, CEO Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane County
Allied Area Task Force members
Allied and Dunn's Marsh Neighborhood Association(s) members
Allied Wellness Coop Members
and likely others

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